
Excel® – Flexible Trading Platform

Did you know that one can fire up to 700 orders per second using Excel® as an order generating and trading platform? You can feed your Excel® sheet with real-time market data in a total implementation time of only a few minutes. Perhaps the most fascinating fact is that it takes only 2.3μs to update one cell in Excel®.

When it comes to stability, Microsoft has done some groundbreaking work with Excel® . We were able to hit 100,000 simultaneously updating cells in Excel without experiencing a slightest glitch.

The diagram below shows steady and linear progression of latency in Excel ® as a result of an increase in a number of simultaneously updating cells.


On top of that, Excel® provides you with access to Excel’s object model. With addition of VTSO you are even able to develop models in C#, as VTSO also grants access to Excel’s object model.

In order to make Excel® an efficient trading platform, the only element missing is a gateway to market for sending orders your models are generating in Excel®. With gateway to market your Excel® sheet will transform into a well-performing end-to-end trading platform.  The platform that is within your comfort zone, flexible enough to help you close any trading gaps that give you headaches.  At Marvelsoft, we have recognized Excel’s potential and designed the missing element that transforms Excel® into a trading platform that allows you to release up to 2000 orders simultaneously.  Find out more about our Excel® powered solution!